Nature Nature
Misty Peaks & Ink Painting Landscapes
Top most visited in China
Support 240-Hour Transit Visa240-Hour Transit Visa (Anhui Province)


huáng shān

As one of China's Ten Great Scenic Wonders, Mount Huang (Yellow Mountain) is renowned for its "Four Wonders": unique pines, bizarre rocks, sea of clouds, and hot springs, earning it the title of "The First Marvelous Mountain under Heaven." The peaks here soar into the clouds, with steep cliffs and verdant pines perched on the precipices. Jagged rocks dot the landscape, and misty clouds envelop the mountains, showcasing the beauty of nature in its most exquisite form.

ClimateSubtropical monsoon climate
Area11,445 km²
Population9 million
GeographyThe southern part of Anhui Province, bordering Zhejiang to the southeast and Jiangxi to the southwest.


Must-see attractions


Best time to visit

Peak Season
Apr, Sep – Nov
Most popular and higher prices
Dec – Mar
Less popular and lower prices


Travel stories

Get There

How to arrive

Huangshan Tunxi International Airport (TXN)

Huangshan transportation duration32 mintransportation distance8 kmSupport 240-Hour Transit Visa240-Hour Transit Visa